Most active between 1909 and 1944, futurism is an avant-garde Italian art movement which celebrated the machine age and sought to create dynamic visions of future life. Portrayals of urban landscapes, modern technology such as planes and cars were created in many different artforms. Ideas were manifested into paintings, architecture, sculptures, literature, theatre, music pieces, and even food.

A key idea used in these works was the depiction of motion and speed. This art style could be characterised through the use of blurring, repeated shapes and directional lines that signified force. A large majority of futurists supported Fascism who were passionate about nationalism and excited by violence with strong beliefs in opposing the parliamentary democracy.

Futurism took influence from neo-impressionism and cubism. A few of the more notable partakers of this movement were Umberto BoccioniCarlo Carrà, and Giacomo Balla.

Personally, I admire the idea of depicting movement in the way in which these artists did. It allows you to then think of the artwork as a process as well as just a finished piece due to the fact that the contents of the artwork is also trying to convey a journey in itself.

