hardware and software.png

The hardware of a computing device is all of the physical components that make up the machine. For instance, the circuits, wires, plugs etc. Alternately, the software of a computing device is all of the code or programs that run on the machine – things like apps, games, web pages and more.



The CPU or central processing unit is a major part of the hardware of a computer. It is a master chip that controls all of the other parts of the computer. Inside of it, there are smaller parts called circuits which each handle their own specific task. For instance, there are circuits for:

> maths & logic

> sending and receiving information to and from different parts of the computer


The CPU receives basic commands that can be represented in binary or on and off electrical signals. These commands then tell the CPU which circuit to use. For example, an add command would be received to use the adder circuit to complete a calculation which would then be saved to the computer’s memory.

Binary Code


Binary code is the most basic form of software and controls all of the hardware of the computer.


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However, people don’t write software in binary but in programming languages like python, ruby and blockly because they look similar to English and so in turn, are much easier to understand.



The OS or operation system is the master program that manages how software uses the hardware of a computing device. Examples include Windows OS, Linux OS, Android OS etc. The OS:

> lets you install programs by loading them into the computer’s memory

> decides when a program is run by the CPU

> decides whether a program has access to the input and output devices of a computer

> runs multiple programs on your computer at once by switching between them quickly, sharing the CPU


Thanks for reading ~