Using the knowledge of masks, I created edits of two images using adjustment layers – one being destructive and one being non-destructive.


mini selected.png

First I selected the body of the mini using the quick selection tool and then going into detail by the selecting the ‘select and mask’ option.

mini mask

After setting the output to ‘layer mask’, a mask is created allowing me to edit non-destructively.

I then selected the hue and saturation adjustment from the half black and white circle creating an adjustment layer, which would apply only to my selection, before changing the hue, saturation and lightness to edit the image.

final mini

Here is the final image. The clean selection mask that I had made it so that the edit was clean and looked of good quality as I refined it to ensure that only what I wanted to be affected was altered in the end result.


Wine Bottles


First, I selected the bottle in the front using the quick selection tool before zooming in and reducing my brush size to get a cleaner selection.

adjustment option

Then, I went into adjustments under the image panel in the options bar and selected black and white.

I then made changes to the bottle using the options in the dialogue box, making specific colours darker or lighter.

layers after editing

As shown in the layers, these adjustments were made directly onto the original image selection and no mask was used, making this a destructive workflow.

bottle final

This is the final image.


Thanks for reading ~